Report of An International Workshop Project
In Supported by Bloomberg L. P
環太平洋地域の科学館で、自分と地球の幸せを考えるワークショップが行われています。このワークショップは、未来館の「つながりプロジェクト」が展開していったもの。今回は、この国際プロジェクト「Picture Happiness on Earth:幸せを地球に描こう」と、中国で行われた実際のワークショップの様子をご紹介しましょう。
Picture Happiness on Earth is an international workshop project with several countries in Asia-Pacific region. The goal is for catalyzing people to consider happiness between person and Earth. This project is been expanded by "TSUNAGARI" project that is originated in Miraikan. In this report, I would like to introduce about the concept of "TSUNAGARI" project, the outline of Picture Happiness on Earth and the engagement in China Science & Technology Museum, Beijing, China.
Chapter 1: "TSUNAGARI" Project Introduction
When I saw Geo-Cosmos at the first time, I lost my word because of its beautiful and majestic figure. Geo-Cosmos is the symbol exhibit in Miraikan. It is a ground screen which has thirty tons, six meters diameter and over ten thousands of organic EL panels. It is the world's first "Globe-like display" using organic. Actually, Geo-Cosmos is the symbol exhibit in Miraikan and the core of the project named "TSUNAGARI", means connection in Japanese.

The "TSUNAGARI" Project was initiated by Miraikan in 2011, and with the three tool of Geo-Cosmos, Geo-Scope, and Geo-Palette. Through collaboration between researchers and artists within and outside Japan, this project involves collecting scientific information about the Earth, and presenting and communicating the information in a visual manner that appeals to the senses. The mission of this project is to deepen our knowledge about Earth and ourselves, consider what to do in order to relate today's Earth to future generations, and create a vision for the future, with people around the world. These three tools connect the exhibition system to the world, and create a new perspective of the Earth based on the concept of "TSUNAGARI" (links/relations/connections). We aspire to work other science museums and research institutes, and become a base for receiving and disseminating data to make Earth sustainable.
Everyone can feel the Earth by viewing Geo-Cosmos. If you want to know deeper, Geo-Scope is a powerful tool for searching for the Earth.

This interactive board allows you to access various Earth observation data collected from domestic and international scientists and research institutes. Thirteen boards in different sizes will be aligned on the exhibition floor.
After viewing and searching the Earth, you maybe want to create a unique Earth by your hand. In fact, a different tool would be helpful. It is called that Geo-Palette.

This online service allows you to draw your own world map based on a host of information related to the countries and regions of the world. You can uncover many aspects of the Earth's environment and human activities. You can see more details about "TSUNAGARI" from above site.
未来館は「つながり」の理念を世界に広める活動を行っています。米ブルームバーグ社のサポートのもと、環太平洋のいくつかの科学館に参加してもらう国際プロジェクト「Picture Happiness on Earth:幸せを地球に描こう」を立ち上げました。
Miraikan is engaging variety activities for expanding the concept of "TSUNAGARI". Thanks for sponsoring from Bloomberg L. P, which is a financial software, data, and media company in the U.S, Miraikan launched an international workshop activity. Its name is Picture Happiness on Earth collaborated with several science museums and science centers who are from the Pacific rim countries.
第二章:Picture Happiness on Earthの紹介
Chapter 2: Picture Happiness on Earth Introduction
このプロジェクトは2015年に始まりました。環太平洋6カ国の中高生に「幸せって何だろう」をテーマにしたストーリーストーリーを考えもらいます。各国高校生は考えたストーリーをショートムービーに撮って一般公開して優秀なストーリーは一般ユーザーと専門家の投票で選ばれます。各国からの優秀なストーリーを日本の中高生がGeo-Cosmosの常設コンテンツにするというものです。詳細は下記のサイトをご覧ください。https://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/info/1509251118828.html (リンクは削除されました。また、URLは無効な場合があります。)
Next, I would like to introduce the outline of the project. From 2015 to 2017, teenager students who are from 6 countries create the stories about happiness on the Earth. Then, students take short movies to show their stories. After public movies on the Internet, the best stories will be elected by voting from general people and some experts. Japanese teenagers develop a Geo-Cosmos content based on the stories. The content will be exhibited in permanent exhibition in Miraikan. There are two cycles; each cycle has three phases. You can see more details from above site. https://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/en/info/1509251118831.html (リンクは削除されました。また、URLは無効な場合があります。)
For engagement the project, it is necessary to support students from educators. Educators, who are from Australia, Philippine, Malaysia, Singapore, China and Shizuoka, Japan, attended a training program in three days in Miraikan. During the training, they learned about the concept, tool and contents of TSUNAGARI. In addition, they joined Miraikan's workshop and created their stories that combined by variety data from Geo tools and their original messages.

Educators making a presentation at the workshop

Educators creating their stories

Educators publishing their stories in front of the "Geo-Cosmos"
Chapter 3: Report from China Science Technology Museum
China Science and Technology Museum established in 1958 in Beijing, China. After several times of reformation and movement, the newest building was completed in Beijing Olympic Park in 2009. The famous Nest stadium is nearby it. By the way, my hometown is Beijing so that I am quite familiar with this museum.

The Front of China Science and Technology Museum
中国に持ち帰ってもらったワークショップは、4回開催され、99名の中高生に参加してもらいました。まず、未来館で実施した内容にそって、自分と地球の幸せについて重みづけをする「幸せチャート」 という円グラフを作成しました。「幸せチャート」のテーマは、「あなたは何で幸せを感じているか」というもの。お金、健康、家族と過ごす時間など10個の項目を上げています。参加者はそれぞれの項目が自分にどれだけ重要であるかを、サイズをそろえた粘土の粒を貼ることで表します。地球を考えるにはさまざまな観点がありますが、中国では大気汚染が深刻になっているため、環境保護に焦点を当て、汚れた空気はフィルターを通すという簡単な実験を実施しました。最後に未来館から無料貸し出したGeo-Scopeの端末をつかって、データを調べながらストーリーを作りました。ストーリーストーリーは海外の人とも共有できるように英語です。
In China, there were nighty-nigh teenager students who attended four times of the workshop. First, students filled out a weight chart for considering happiness about person and the earth. The chart, named 「Happiness Chart」, was developed by Miraikan's science communicators. Happiness Chart is for estimating personal happiness. There are ten factors, such as to be healthy, to live a wealthy life and so on. Students used small clay pieces to show the weight for every factor in themselves. Since the air pollution is extremely serious in China, the topic of the workshop is environmental issue. After doing a simple experiment to observe filtering dirty air, students created their stories. They used Geo-Scope devices which were loaned from Miraikan by free. For sharing with different countries' student, they wrote their stories by English.

Participants in China

Creating Happiness Chart

Presentation of Happiness Chart

Experiment of Air Cleaning

Searching about the Earth by using Geo-Scope

Completed Scenario
参加者99人のうち、22人 はビデオ撮影を希望しました。撮影は順調に進んでいて、来月中旬には投票用のウェブサイトが立ち上がる予定です。
Twenty two students would like to take videos. Now, museum staff are helping them to take videos. The online voting website will be launched.
Any people are able to vote their favor short movies in the website. The No.1 movie is the one that received the most number of votes from general people and experts. Then, Japanese students arrange stories to a new one and create a new content in Geo-Cosmos based on the new story.
I would like to introduce the result of their voting. It is Miraikan's happiness for expanding TSUNAGARI around the world. There are several science communicators who are in charge of contacting with different countries. I am with China Science & Technology Museum. Another science communicator, named Furusawa Kiyoshi, is going to report engagement in Philippine in the later blog.
To be continue
Science Communicator Profile
My name is Chen Du. I encountered science communication when I participated in the Science Cafe held in the campus of the university. After that, I joined internship programs for science communication at scientific institutions, including the Science Museum in London. Through this experience, I found that I love to interact with people and that a job to talk about scinece would suit me more than studying science. That's why I joined Miraikan in the spring of 2014.