ワークショップって奥が深い / Workshop -the place of creation-



Hello everyone, it’s Megumi. My birth month, October always makes me try something new.


“I want to try science communication outside the Miraikan!”

やるなら断然、ワークショップ。フレンドリーで、クリエイティブで、わくわく、新鮮なイメージだし。願いは思っていると(実際には口にすると)かなうものです。絶妙なタイミングでチャンス到来!シブヤ大学 (リンクは削除されました)でワークショップです。こころ強い味方アイテムを手に向かいました!

I couldn’t think of anything other than “workshop.” It sounds friendly, creative, fun, and trendy. I felt like I could do! And it was true that nothing comes true if you don’t wish for…Yea! I got a chance to facilitate a workshop for Shibuya University, a NPO. I brought a card game, the Crossroad. It’s my useful workshop tool:)

シブヤ大学は、渋谷という地域に密着し、新しいカタチの教育を実現しているNPO。誰でも参加できる授業は、学問というより、アートや街づくりなど、心地よいくらしのサポート的なものがメイン。私のテーマは、防災 (リンクは削除されました)。

The Shibuya University is not a real school, but a group providing learning opportunities for all people without exams or tuition. Most of the lectures are not academic, but those to increase the quality of life such as art and community development.

味方アイテムとは、カードゲーム「クロスロード」 (リンクは削除されました)。簡単で奥深いゲームです。内容は、災害時の究極の選択。「津波警報発令中で避難の途中、生き埋めの人がいたら助ける?」とか「被災者300人。非常食200食。配る?」など、運命の分かれ道のシミュレーションです。選択肢はイエスかノー。多数派が得点をもらえます。

Crossroad is a simple card game in which players simulate decision-making at the time of a disaster like an earthquake, or a tsunami or a flood. Players are given dilemma-like problems, such as, “Would you rescue a person under a building when you are evacuating from Tsunami?” and “There are 300 people in a shelter, but food for only 200 people. Would you pass out the food?” Each player chooses Yes or No. Those in the majority get the point.


Believe or not, this simple game raises awareness and lessons in preparing for a disaster. Why? …because no dilemma has a perfect answer. The key point is opinion sharing afterwards. Each player explains his/her decision. It brings real active exchanges of different views.

常識も、災害知識も大事。でも実際は、 訓練どおりにならないこともたくさんです。知らない人たちと協力しあわなければ切り抜けないことも…。そんな時、相手の考えに耳を傾けることが、集団で生き延びていくためにどれだけ大切か…という気づきが、一人ひとりの心の防災袋づくりのきっかけになりました。

We can't ignore knowledge and common sense, but they don't always work in emergency situations. It may be somewhat unpleasant to stay in a shelter and share supplies with strangers, but we have to support each other. At such times, it is crucial to listen to others for the successful survival of all. These lessons we learned became an important first step towards preparing mentally for disasters.


Here is a unique example of Crossroad workshop. This was at a local day care facility.


I got a chance to give a talk on child feeding to mothers of young children. Yes, I studied about it, but have no actual experience in it! All I know is that concerns in child feeding have no perfect answers or solutions.


No perfect answers…. well, why don’t we make Crossroad problems out of feeding concerns? First, I had mothers share their concerns. Then, we picked up typical ones and made instant Crossroad problems.

Our original problem … During family dinner, your child doesn’t sit still. You try to teach her, but your husband stops you in order to enjoy the mealtime. Would you keep trying to make her sit still?


It was very interesting. Practices that didn't work for a mother turned out to be a solution for another mother. What surprised me was a mother talking about a theory of developmental psychology out of her experiences! The topic was what everyone was facing at every day, which made each person listen carefully and share openly. After several trials, I saw smiles, relief and social networks among the mothers, which parenting books are unable to provide.


Don’t they sound like successful workshops? As a matter of fact, I was almost lost during the workshop… I wasn’t sure where we were and couldn’t predict where we were going. My workshops were not like these. I always had thorough outlines to lead to prepared conclusions.


What happened to me...? I looked up “workshop” in dictionary and knew it originally is a space to create something new. Okay, I, as the facilitator of the workshops, was a leader of CREATION. Whew.... what a role! So it was okay to reach unexpected outcomes, but it would be nice if I could sense the mood in the room and lead the workshop.


When I stand in front of a group of people, I always feel like the room is too full with everybody's emotions, like expectations and excitement, as well as uneasiness. Those emotions press on me so hard that I do my best to release negative sensations out and nurture positive ones.


I sometime wish all the emotions had colors so that I could see them. But if visible, maybe we wouldn’t feel the sense of unity. And the invisible stuff might be what produces “unprepared” lessons and learnings.


Another journey to find out the invisible stuff has just started. Hope to see some progress by my next birthday.
